Team Coaching
Team Coaching
Enhancing team performance through reflection, problem-solving, practicing new ways of collaboration, understanding each other, and making agreements.
A great team leader acts as a sports coach, training team members to play together in the most effective way to win. And an excellent coach is not one who get the best and most expensive players, but one who can win “tournaments” with the players they have!
My role in team coaching is to conduct team training sessions, let the team experience new ways of collaboration and to achieve good teamwork.
Clear goals and priorities
Motivation and commitment
A strong “team vibe”
In the sessions, I employ Peter Hawkins’ systemic team coaching approach, as well as methods from David Clutterbuck, Manfred Kets de Vries, Georgina Woudstra, and other top coaches.
For Whom?
The impact of team coaching is greater the more significant the team’s influence on the company or organisation. Therefore, it is primarily used for:
• Executive teams
• Teams of strategically important units
• Teams of operationally critical units
Common situations for hiring a team coach:
• Conflicts within the team
• Desire to increase team performance
• Strategy creation or renewal
• Problems in collaboration or relationships between teams
• Reorganisations or restructuring
• A new leader and a new style
• Achieving goals that feel impossible for a team
Since changing mindsets and habits requires time and practice, team coaching works best as a series of sessions. In these sessions, team members resolve their issues, make agreements, experience new ways of collaboration and understanding, and return to their daily work as a stronger team.
To find the right format and scope, I meet with the team leader and together we find the best solution.
Do you want to achieve effective and enjoyable teamwork?
Let’s discuss the current state of your team and what would be a great outcome from team coaching? I offer coaching methods and formats for you to choose from. The meeting is informative and does not obligate you to order coaching from me.