About me

Ivar Lukk

For over 30 years, I have led large and small companies in the telecommunications, financial services, manufacturing, real estate development, and educational technology sectors. 

As a leader, I have valued learning. To better understand international business, I completed a master’s degree at London Business School and to navigate the inner world of individuals, I underwent a 3-year training in transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy. Studies in neurolinguistic programming with Ian McDermott and Robert Dilts led to a NLP Master Practitioner qualification.

Coaching and training leaders have connected me with inspiring individuals and given me the opportunity to support them in their challenges and internal struggles. Clients have highly valued the opportunity to share their emotions and thoughts, find solutions, and seek truth in a confidential environment with an understanding and experienced person. Unraveling complex situations and achieving results has been truly enjoyable!

Master Certified Coach

My development as a coach has led to International Coaching FederationCertified Coach (MCC) credential.

ICF Advanced Team Coach

2023. I was also awarded the ICF Advanced Team Coach credential